Rencontres du Mégalithisme dans les landes de Lanvaux (GB)
Archaeological research and the enhancement of megalithic architecture
The megalithic heritage site of Les Landes de Lanvaux is the setting for this one-day symposium offering a full review of the progress of archaeological research and how it helps improve our understanding of the architecture underlying megalith sites.
A large number of guest speakers will be presenting the current state of research into megaliths, related methods, and the procedures used in megalith enhancement projects, including the technical solutions used in restoration works.
The event will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of knowledge and fuel debate on the multi-scalar issues raised by research and the enhancement of megalith sites.
Saturday 12 November 2022
- 8.20am - 9.00am : welcome in the foyer area, attendance sheet to be signed; participants directed towards the exhibition area
- 8.30am - 9am : coffee
- 8.55am - 9.25am : introductory speech and presentation of Région mégalithes de Bretagne AAP
- 9.30am - 9.45am : UNESCO progress report. Progress report on the "Carnac and Banks of the Morbihan megaliths" UNESCO heritage application
- 9.45am - 10.05am : Philippe GOUEZIN - Using the archaeology of built structures to enhance our knowledge of megalithic architecture; scientific issues prior to restoration and enhancement, and examples from Brittany and Charente.
- 10.05am - 10.35 : José-Antonio LINARES CATELLA and Coronada MORA MOLINA - Promoting dolmens: interventions at the groups of megaliths at Huelva, Western Andalusia (Spain)
- 10.35am - 10.55am : Torben DHEN (Danemark) - Prehistoric intrusions into and alterations of Danish passage graves.
10.55am - 11.25am: Coffee break
- 11.15am - 11.35am : Remi MARTINEAU - Hypogea in South-West Marne (France) in the Late Neolithic
- 11.35am - 11.55am : Chris SCARRE and Heather SEBIRE (UK) - Consolidation and promotion of megalithic monuments: recent work at Stonehenge
- 11.55am - 12.15pm : Luc JALLOT - Building and rebuilding with stone: insights from research into the Lower Languedoc megalith heritage (4th-3rd millennium BCE) and its enhancement
12.25pm - 1.45pm : buffet lunch
- 1.45pm - 2.30pm : Topic: "Megaliths" / UMR 6566 architecture team ; research news in the form of short 5-minute presentations by each speaker
- 2.30pm - 2.50pm : Emilie HEDDEBAUX - Conservator-restorers for megaliths?
- 2.50pm - 3.10pm : Luc LAPORTE - Studying megalith ruins and enhancing this heritage: examples along the Atlantic seaboard in France.
- 3.10pm - 3.30pm: Michel MAILLE - Dolmens and standing stones in particular environments to the south of the Massif Central.
- 3.30pm - 3.50pm : Vincent ARD - Better restoration of megalithic monuments through studies: a case study in the centre-west and south-west of France. (V. Ard, E. Mens, Ph. Gouézin, V. Aguillon, A. Laurent & V. Mathé).
3.50pm - 4.20pm : Coffee break
- 4.20pm - 4.40pm : Pauline LUCAS and Héloïse BRICCHI-DUHEM - In the bowels of the Petit Dognon: from excavation to restoration of a tumulus at Tusson (Charente)
- 4.40pm - 5pm : Aurélie JALOUNEX - The museum presentations at the Bougon Tumulus Museum.
- 5.00pm - 5.20pm : Jean-Baptiste BARREAU - Proposed 3D reconstruction of the Tred 8 and Tred 9 megalith groups at the Coëby Neolithic necropolis.
- 5.20pm - 5.40pm : wrap-up, conclusions
Sunday 13 November 2022
- Leaves from Vannes railway station at 9.00am - Return at 2.30pm.
- Visit to the megalithic sites of Moustoir Ac: Kerara and Trédion: Coëby excavations
- Lunch to be paid for by participants